Welcome to
Martin's space

About me

Hi, my name is Martin. I'm passionate about coding and learning new things.
I'm currently studying computer science at EPHEC.

I'm also a self-taught developer. I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn new things.

My goal is to become a full-stack developer. But I particularly love APIs and backend development.
Recently, I've started learning Go and I'm really looking forward to implement it in my future projects.


ThemeType of activityPlaceDateValued n°HReal n°HProof
Design & stylingtrainingUdemy9 april 202310h14hLink to certificate
Backend & Low-Level DevelopmenttrainingUdemy2 November 202310h14hLink to certificate
Web DevelopmenttrainingUdemy22 June 202310h19hLink to certificate
Mobile DevelopmentHackathonHack'n wow22 March 202310h72hLink to photo
Sustainable Development (2x)HackathonEPHECOctober 2021 & October 202210h96hLink to video (first guy with the plaid shirt)
Link to photo
Software Developerstudent jobAdvinci02/10/2022-...10h200h+Link to linkedin
Vendor/Salesmanstudent jobDecathlon17/07/2019-04/09/202210h400h+Link to linkedin
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